Tag: systems

  • Notes on Designing for Antifragility

    In this session, we looked at how to design for antifragilityHere are the principles put forward by Luca Dellanna and I’ll add some of my own comments (if applicable). Objectives trickle down, innovation trickles up.This is pretty standard for any strategy deployment since whoever is defining the intention of the strategy cannot also define how is to…

  • Adaption & Group Dynamics

    Just a few notes from a session last week about how group dynamics affect adaptive systems (in other words, how a group can stay antifragile). So far, we only looked at antifragile bodies and antifragile brains / behaviour. What about a group? You can only look at a group or system is behaving or adapting…

  • Antifragility & The Adaptive Brain

    Another very interesting talk from Luca Dellanna, this time about the adaptive brain. I think I need to listen to the talk again (this is my first bash, a few days after listening), but essentially we start off by realising that minimising one risk is not necessarily enough – nor even helpful. In fact, minimising one…

  • Adaptive Systems Course and Antifragility

    I’m currently taking a course with Luca Dellanna covering: The first session was about antifragility, and was extremely helpful in my own understanding and cleared up a few things that I had found difficult to convey to others. The first thing that became clearer was how to visualise the states fragility and antifragility on a…